Our foundation's unique expertise lies in maximizing the immediate and long-term value of every single donor dollar, then placing it where it will make the absolute greatest impact, especially where a worthy unmet need exists.


We have studied the needs of the community and have learned where generosity stands to make the biggest difference. We are here to help make the most of your gift.

Among other identified needs, the Sheridan Community Foundation will make gifts in the following areas

Arts & Education
Youth Services
Senior Services
Community Non-Profit Initiatives
Recreation & Open Spaces


The following shows “Most Needed” areas from a 2021 Sheridan County CSBG Needs Assessment. “Stakeholders were asked what services were most needed in Sheridan County. A broad look at all services is provided in the chart, which illustrates the extent to which each service is needed in Sheridan County (according to stakeholders and service providers). Mental health has become THE issue to be addressed in Sheridan County, followed closely by affordable housing. Several of the other top concerns are directly related to these two services, which emphasizes just how important mental health and housing have become. There is remarkable consistency between the stakeholder and community surveys on their perceptions of Sheridan County’s greatest needs. In fact, the 2022 Sheridan County surveys are the first time (for CBI) that the top three needs identified in the community survey (and their priority) are identical to the stakeholder/service provider survey. Those top concerns are: 1. Mental health services; 2. Affordable housing; 3. Substance or alcohol abuse services.

Childcare Assistance 75%
Affordable housing for seniors 60%
Homeless Shelters/Services 60%
Food/Commodity Assistance 50%
Dental Care 50%
Perspcription Drug Assitance 50%
Public/Adequate Transportation 50%
MeDical Care for Adults 45%
Financial Budgeting Counseling 40%
Healthy Relationship Programs 30%
Vision Care 35%
Help Seeking Employment 28%

How far do our dollars go? How do they make a difference? What is the ROI of giving to the arts, youth sports, education animals, outdoors or families in crisis?


Growing the Gift

Together, we’ll help local efforts seeking to benefit the Sheridan community. As each gift grows through investments, so too do the gifts to the community.

Meeting Community Needs

The Sheridan Community Foundation will utilize funds to address unmet needs in the community.


Sheridan Community Foundation will utilize its unique experience to manage donations and grow them to continue benefitting the community.

Active Partnerships

Once gifts are received - those dollars are entered into a fund managed by experts.


(No overhead taken by SCF)

Welcome to Community-Focused Giving.

The Sheridan Community Foundation aims to make giving accessible to donors of all means, driving support for nonprofits across Sheridan County. The spirit of philanthropy lives in Sheridan and has benefited many generations who have called the community home. We aim to continue the giving tradition, using our expertise to make a difference in how donor dollars are used to support worthy causes. We help donors of all means ensure their gifts are maximized and responsibly utilized.

The question is, what’s important to you? How has your hometown enhanced your life and how do you want to make a difference right here, in your own community?


We work with nonprofits, foundations and individual donors to make the kind of difference that changes lives.


Designed to both give and grow so that it may exist in perpetuity to support worthy, unmet needs.


Too many people don’t know how to give or that small gifts can have big impacts. We aim to help educate community members about their options and their ability to affect change.


As a volunteer-led organization, our limited hard costs mean more of your gift goes toward meeting community needs.


Our foundation board possesses unique expertise to maximize the immediate and long-term value of every single donor dollar, placing each where it will make the absolute greatest impact.

We aim to build a community fund that both gives and grows, allowing the Sheridan Community Foundation to support a wide range of nonprofits and address unmet needs.

All donation amounts are welcome and encouraged. If you’re interested in learning more about how a specific amount can help a specific project or group, please contact us for additional information.

If you have questions or would like to learn more about our efforts in the community, please contact us. If you’re ready to make a gift, visit our Donor Portal.


Join our efforts at the Sheridan Community Foundation! Reach out to learn more.